Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sample Legal Brief Need Help With A Basic Sample Legal Scenario For My Law Class?

Need help with a basic sample legal scenario for my law class? - sample legal brief

I am authorized to society and write a 200-300 word response to the scene of the sample below. I can not find, for ethical reasons, but I can not find the legal aspects, why not sell the goods in a third world country. I only need a 2-3 (rare) and a brief legal reasons, a list of all rights. I find no legal grounds in our books or online.

I am looking for someone to write the answer for me. Can I do it myself.

Best answer get 10 points!

The company, which makes the work of filters for dialysis machines. Several consignments of these filters are not the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standards and therefore can not be sold in the United States, if not properly filtered liquids kidney. The company decided to sell these filters in some Third World countries, where standards are less strict. You must specify why not sell the company, the filter in a third world country, should apply to legal and ethical.


bullwink... said...

You may not like that answer, not even considered to be appropriate, but this is an ethical lawyer - a judge. "The fat of his ethics, the thinnest in its portfolio." This is the correct answer. Everything else is internal conflict.

Barry C said...

this is the kind of lawyer are you? so easily available in the research?

If you find an answer, you write that you do not find any additional information.

But do not come here and expect to do homework, if you tell us, at least research what you've done and why you are sure you exhausted all possibilities.

After all, the section on ethics. It is a part of the homework, but it makes sense to part of the ethics back and ask ourselves do the job?

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